Marine, Sailing, Surfing
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Marine, Sailing, Surfing
- Database of surf and ocean related images for art directors, marketing managers and agency art buyers.
- Images by French yachtsman/photographer Gilles Martin-Rage, whose work is prominent in sailing magazines.
- Both marine and freshwater images, with special focus on plankton but including other wildlife. Many biologists contribute images and footage to it.
- The work of German photographer Jürgen Freund and his Philippine wife Stella Chiu Freund: underwater, aerial, land.
- "The world's largest marine wildlife image database" with fish, sharks, rays, birds, mammals, plants, and related subjects.
- Underwater, science, and natural history photography by Jeff Mondragon and other professional wildlife and underwater photographers.
- Representing more than 500 of the world's best nature and wildlife photographers and videographers. Has combined with Bluegreen Pictures, specialising in marine and maritime images.
- The archive of underwater images by BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year winner Reinhard Dirscherl. 30,000 photos and growing.
- Highest quality images for commercial and editorial use: Great Barrier Reef, sea birds and seascapes; land animals, too.
- Stock photography specializing in exceptional aquatic wildlife images taken by top photographers around the world.
- Licenses surf related imagery worldwide to corporate, media, art buyers, art directors and individual clients.
- The work of marine and underwater photographer Stephen Frink, together with images from other top marine photographers. Scuba, sharks, beaches, fish, snorkeling, etc.
- Ocean and water life photography. "We know 'cool,' we know trends..." Great for surfer pix. Slow at times, but worth the wait.
- German archive of underwater images: fish, corals and coral-reefs, dolphins and whales, sharks and turtles, divers.